Friday, September 21, 2007

I miss my friend~

I am recovering from a pretty devastating blow that happened in June. My oldest daughter has a different father than the other kids. Her father was the love of my life. There is, obviously, more to the story. That is posted here.

After 22 years apart we started talking again...almost every day for an entire year. He was to come here in July for 10 days. He bought his plane ticket...gave me verification info and I checked. Three days later he called and confessed that he had an addiction and could not come here. I have not heard a peep from him since. Now, I know in my head that it's best that he didn't come. My heart aches.

Jeffrey and I always had a special bond...we could go for years without talking, then one of us would make a call, and it was like we were never apart.

It was wonderful getting to know him again-as best as can be done on the phone-and I truly looked forward to being with him and seeing if we might be good together. He was so good for me...he adored me, he challenged me, he believed in me, he inspired me to be a better person. He quickly became my best friend. I looked forward to his calls and we talked about everything.

Even though I suspected something was awry, the last phone call was, short of burying my brother, the most horrific experience I have ever had. I remained in shock for 2 weeks. I was finally able to cry; the ache still lingers. Thing is....I MISS MY FRIEND~.


If this post leads you down a similar path of self-discovery, put a link to your post in the Mr. Linky and leave a comment:). Enjoy the journey~.